Mindbody Mastery Podcast - Episode 1 - About the Host

Did you know that I hosted my own little podcast many years ago? It’s all about chronic pain and how to heal from it using mind-body practices. I published around 65 episodes from 2018 to 2020, and when I felt I had said all that needed to be said, I wrapped it up.

If you’ve ever been into my office for an acupuncture treatment, chances are I’ve shared the work of Dr. John Sarno with you. This podcast was my attempt to share his good word in a way that was easily digestible, but more in-depth than I could go in my 1:1 sessions.

In the coming weeks, I intend to re-publish each episode of this podcast on my own website for safekeeping. Feel free to subscribe to this blog to see each episode as they are re-published! (Keep in mind that all the events/facebook pages/groups mentioned in the show are now no longer available, but the information shared is still very relevant!)

This first episode is just my own healing story and an introduction to the work of the incredible Dr. John Sarno.

Feel free to write in the comments any questions that come up for you!

- Katelyn Michals, L.Ac.