Mindbody Mastery Podcast - Episode 2 - Intro to TMS

In this episode, I introduce the concept of TMS (aka Tension Myoneural Syndrome/Tension Myositis Syndrome/The Mindbody Syndrome). There are MANY new names for this syndrome, but the way I like to explain it is this:

Life is full of traumas and pressures and responsibilities and difficult relationships. It’s full of unforgiveness and grief and sadness and betrayal. And when we go through these things without fully diving into the emotions that naturally come WITH these experiences… when we repress those emotions and place them into neat little boxes, never to be opened again - these ISSUES then have the ability to land in our TISSUES.

When my pain was at its peak, I was going through a deeply troubling moment within my family relationships. There was a person in my family, struggling with addiction, and I was one of the recipients of his outbursts and threats. HOWEVER, simultaneously, I was deep into the “power of positivity” line of thinking, so rather than CONFRONTING my truer feelings (Anger, Rage, Frustration, Fear), I apologized for this person over and over, and put all those feelings away because they felt too harsh to be aimed at someone who was struggling with addiction. I wanted to be the bigger/better person in this situation. So my physical BODY took on that pain, as a way to distract me from the larger pain it perceived outside of me.

I explain this phenomenon in this episode - have a listen, and comment if you have any questions!

Be Blessed,
